Venereal Disease
The combination of holidays and intoxication - alcohol or of love - can bring about excesses that increase the risk of becoming infected by some kind of venereal disease while away.
Among the most common venereal diseases are chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhoea and herpes. Some of them can be difficult to treat and lead to sterility.
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea cause discharge and burning sensations.
Genital warts are caused by a virus.
Herpes causes blistering on, in and around the genitals.
HIV is also spread by such means as sexual contact (see more under the heading "HIV / AIDS").
There is no 100% sure way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. Your own behaviour is what determines the level of risk. Condoms offer a good level of protection, but they can be hard to find or be of poor quality. Therefore, you should bring some condoms from home.
In many countries, medicines are easily accessible without a prescription. If you suspect that you have contracted a venereal disease, never begin to medicate yourself on your own. Contact a doctor instead. Also make sure that your partner is examined.
Of course, you need to abstain from all sexual contact if you suspect you have a venereal disease.