
In the tropics, one can sweat up to two litres per hour, which entails major water and salt loss. That is why it is important to drink regularly, even if you do not feel thirsty. Irritation, lethargy, headache, thirst, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and small quantities of dark urine can all be symptoms of deficient liquid and salt. This can in turn least to exhaustion and in the worst case to cramps and unconsciousness (heatstroke) that may require medical treatment.

Drink Much More than You Do At Home
Don’t forget to give your children plenty of liquid - even between meals!
Drink fruit juices or bottle water, but remember that sweet drinks entail a high caloric intake. Coffee, tea and alcohol are diuretics, which increase the risk of dehydration and heat stroke.
Salt loss can be compensated for with a little extra salt on food or in drinks. Physical work, exercise or sports in warmer countries of course require greater liquid and salt intake

Heat Rash
most often affects people who have just arrived in warmer climates. Children and overweight people are especially susceptible. The rash shows up as a reddening, itching and sometimes blistering rash in skin folds, where clothing is tight or in children at the hair roots.
It can be prevented with thin, light and loosely fitting cotton clothing. The discomfort can be eased by staying in cool, air conditioned rooms. Taking a cool shower or a bath. Dry your skin well and apply talcum power to exposed areas.

Fungal Infections
are common in humid and warm climates. Infections are most common in skin folds, e.g., groin, under the breast or between the toes. The skin turns red, skinned and itchy. Sometimes one can see small blisters in the uneven edge against fresh skin.
It can be prevented with thin and loosely fitting cotton clothing. Wear airy shoes. Keep the skin the dry and towel yourself carefully after a shower or bath. Do not walk barefoot on damp ground or on bathroom floors.
Treatment can be done by washing the infected area twice a day with a disinfectant. Dry carefully and air out your skin. Apply an anti-fungal cream, see "Travel Pharmacy".

Remember that

heat + alcohol = dangerous combination!