Personal Safety

Check about and orient yourself - right from the first day - with the emergency exits in case of fire at the hotel.

Keep money and other valuables in a safe box.

Do not let anyone knocking at your door inside unless you know who it is.

Ask the hotel staff is there are any particular areas that you should avoid.

Be mindful of the risk of theft and robbery!
Do not let your guard completely down just because you are on holiday. Thieves never take time off. Purse-snatching and pickpocketing are “daily fare”, so do not take too much money with you when you go out and keep it in a “money pouch”.
As well, do not draw attention to yourself by showing off expensive jewellery, watches, necklaces etc.
Also keep in mind that your insurance policy most often only compensates for cash, valuable documents (like airline tickets) etc. up to a limited amount.

Alcohol substantially diminishes your attention, which makes you less careful and an easier victim.
Neither is it uncommon for drugs to be sneaked in or mixed into drinks. The intention can be anything from assault to robbery. Watch out!

Avoid being out on your own after dusk.

Remember that an apparently innocent contact may conceal prostitution, violence, robbery and extortion.

Keep in mind that many hotels abroad do not have child-safe electrical outlets!