Narcotics and Doping Agents

Do not give in to the temptation to try narcotics! You never know whether you will stop at a single instance of “trying anything once”, or whether you will develop a long-term dependency.

Many countries have very stringent penalties for drug crimes, even the death penalty. If you commit this type of crime and are arrested, there is very little that the authorities in your home country can do to help you.

Also keep in mind that as a tourist, you may be exploited as an unwilling courier of narcotics. Never allow yourself to be talked into taking a package from someone you do not know back to a “friend”. Remember as well to keep an eye on your luggage so that nobody sneaks an undesired package into a bag.

Keep in mind that it is also illegal to bring in doping agents. There is a reason behind this prohibition; the few positive effects are greatly overshadowed by the side effects such as compulsive disorders, depressions, impotence and skin problems with acne.