It’s Wonderful to Travel!
Travelling offers us an opportunity to encounter and experience other cultures, climates, exotic dishes, drinks, beaches and wild animals.Unfortunately, it also entails an increased risk of disease, accidents and other somewhat unpleasant surprises. Food, water, SCUBA diving, hiking, staying at high elevations and not least of all one’s own behaviour can also bring with them increased risks. The AIDS epidemic is a fact, and approximately 40 million people are estimated to be HIV positive. Infectious diseases such a malaria, tuberculosis, cholera and dengue fever are rampant in large parts of the tropical world.
Travel medicine encompasses a much wider field than merely vaccinations. Many people believe that tropical diseases are the greatest risks one faces when travelling; however, the fact is that far greater dangers are to be found out in traffic. Approximately 25% of all fatalities among travellers are due to traffic accidents!
Current information about the Zika virus can be found on the WHO or CDC home pages.
It is more or less possible to avoid all kinds of risks. It might therefore be a good idea to be familiar with a few simple, preventive measures about how to reduce the risk of accidents and illness.
More Knowledge
The purpose of this information is not for you to follow all the advice given to the letter. Rather, it is written in order to provide you with more knowledge. No matter whether you are out on your first trip, are a seasoned charter traveller, a backpacker or are stationed abroad, we hope that by taking this knowledge along with you and your luggage - and by using common sense - your journey will be healthier and safer.
Moreover, we would like to remind you that as a traveller you are a guest in another country and you must therefore respect other cultures, customs and practices. Remember too that just like at home, you should be mindful of nature and of the environment!
Bon Voyage!
We hope that you will find this information useful and we wish you a pleasant trip with many memorable experiences!
Feel free to get in touch if you have any views you would like to share with regard to the content.
Note however that we are not able to offer individual vaccination advice prior to your trip. Rather, you should contact your nearest vaccination clinic where you can get help in this regard..