Traffic Safety

One of the greatest risks to which we are subjected when we travel abroad is the TRAFFIC. It causes most death and paralysis cases among tourists. The reasons are many: poor maintenance of roads and of motor vehicles, the influence of alcohol, poor traffic culture and sadly even a lack of judgement on the part of the traveller. In many tropical countries, medical care is not sufficient for treating serious traffic injuries.

If you use your seatbelt, have a child car seat and neck support when driving a car at home and use a helmet and protective clothing when riding a motorcycle, why wouldn’t you do so when you are abroad?

Take care of yourself and your passengers. Hire a car in good condition with functioning equipment, such as seatbelts, lighting and good tyres. Use your seatbelt! Remember that drinking and driving mix no better abroad than they do at home and that your fellow motorists may have well had “one for the road”.

Avoid Driving in the Dark
The lighting on cars, motorcycles and bicycles is often poor, if working at all. It may be difficult to see pedestrians (reflectors are not used) or animals on the road. Warning triangles are seldom used and you might not detect road work until you are in the middle of a hole.

Dare to Speak Up
Tell the taxi driver to slow down if you feel he is going too fast - and they often are! 
The locations furthest forward on the bus tend to be pleasing to children and people filming video due to the fine view. That is also where you are the least protected.

Safety awareness abroad is not always what you may be used to with regard to children. You might consider bringing a child seat (mind the air bag in the front seat) and a bicycle helmet if the family will be out in traffic.

Avoid Riding Motorcycles or Mopeds
Many serious accidents occur each year among tourists in this category of traffic. If you still absolutely must drive a motorcycle or moped, observe the same safety measures as you do at home! Use a good-quality helmet and protective clothing. Bathing suits of course offer no protection in the case of accident.